Types of Cases
Business Litigation
Mr. Murphy focuses on economic and results driven business like resolution to commercial and business disputes. Other firms often approach cases in a way that results in extended litigation, leading to increased legal fees, increased litigation expenses and most importantly, distraction of energy and attention from your core business. Mr. Murphy's focus is on a comprehensive cost effective strategy from the start and open mindedness in using alternative dispute resolution techniques such as mediation and arbitration which often results in cost effective fair and business like resolution of cases at early stages. However, if the matter cannot be resolved in a business like manner, you want Raymond Murphy, an attorney with extensive courtroom and jury experience and certified by by the New Jersey Supreme Court as a Certified Civil Trial Attorney on your team.
Securities, Stock Market Losses, Investment Advisor/Broker Negligence
Mr. Murphy has successfully handled arbitration claims on behalf of individual investors against brokerage companies, stock brokers and investment advisors for negligence in the managment of client funds. If your investment accounts have significant losses or have significantly under performed the stock market, Mr. Murphy will evaluate your portfolio's performance in comparison to accepted financial industry standards and the appropriate stock market index or sector. Mr. Murphy's experience coupled with significant financial and stock market education enables him to understand the mechanics of the industry and properly evaluate your potential claim. Most claims for negligence and mismanagment of client funds are not tried in the court system but instead are arbitrated through FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority).
Stay educated on your investment and retirement accounts and choose an honest financial advisor who has your interest first.
Contract disputes
Securities arbitration
Employment cases
Real estate valuation disputes
Construction litigation
Contractor disputes
Business Litigation, Securities Market Losses & FINRA Arbitration
Broker negligence
Unsuitable investments
Over-concentration of securities
Failure to disclose information
Significant underperformance of investments